Five Test Day Preparation Tips for Taking the ACT or SAT
You are signed up and ready to take the ACT or SAT test! Here are five test day tips to help you ace the test by starting off on the right foot. Have everything you need ready when you leave to take your test on a Saturday morning.
Five Test Day Preparation Tips
1) Get a good night’s rest Friday night. Make sure your brain is rested and alert before you take the test. Go to bed early so you can get enough sleep to perform your best.
2) Fuel yourself with a good breakfast. Make sure to include protein (eggs, yogurt, cheese, peanut butter). You will be testing for over three hours, so you need a breakfast that can sustain you.
3) Perform the 48-hour essentials check. Gather all the essential items to bring with you to the test in one place two days in advance.
- Admission Ticket. Requires a printed copy of your admissions ticket.
- Photo ID. Driver’s license or passport. Check for other ID types accepted at SAT or ACT.
- #2 pencils with soft erasers: Bring two or three.
- Acceptable calculators. See calculator policy. Your phone cannot be used as a calculator.
4) Organize back-up supplies. Pack your backpack with backup essentials:
- Water
- Protein or energy bar
- Watch (you CANNOT use your phone during the test to keep time)
- Extra batteries for your calculator.
5) Leave it at home. Some items are prohibited at the SAT or ACT tests.
- Cell phone
- Cameras
- Ipad, Ipod, etc.
- Separate timers
- Any device capable of recording, texting or taking a pictures
- Bad Attitude – stay positive and you’ll be less anxious
Take Action
Enter your test schedule in a file you create on your computer to stay on track. Set a reminder for the week of the test on your calendar to remind you of the test registration deadline and the test day and also remind you to follow the Five Test Day Preparation Tips.