
Seniors, getting a rejection letter from a college can be a difficult blow. Especially this year with a college admissions scandal in every major newspaper, it may seem that the process is rigged or unfair to the core. You may wonder, “Why was I not accepted? What else could I have done?” The answer – nothing. College

It will soon be time to ask your teachers and/or your counselor for letters of recommendations.  But before doing that it helps to have done some self-reflection.  Think about your three favorite classes on campus.  Answer the following questions about yourself and how you have performed in each class.  What contributions have you made in class that this teacher could praise? Describe the ways

Seniors, by now, application decisions should be rolling in to your inbox/mailbox.  If you haven’t already heard back from all your schools, the wait is almost over.  Most colleges aim to have final decisions to everyone who applied before April 1.  But what if your “final” decision isn’t so final?…  What does it mean to

Have you considered studying abroad? What if you could study abroad for your entire college experience rather than just one semester? Studying in the United Kingdom could be a great way for you to experience another culture for college without worrying about a language barrier. The UK has some of the most prestigious universities in

Seniors, one of the big questions you have as a student (and your parents too) is “Where will I be living next year?” Be sure to explore the housing choices on campus and learn which choices are available to you. Housing Styles Traditional residence halls typically have double occupancy rooms off of a hallway, with shared

So Many Questions… Have you signed up to take the SAT yet? Or maybe you’ve already taken the PSAT? Did you notice that there are a lot of questions about your grades, your interests, your intended college major, etc. in the registration? What’s up with all those questions?   The College Board Student Search Service Those questions are part

Seniors, you may have thought you were done with writing essays and sending applications, but not quite yet. Now is the time to look for scholarships. And don’t get discouraged.  In this case, one more essay or scholarship application could mean a big pay-off for you. A few more hours of your time could turn

Seniors, you got into the top schools on your list. Each has sent you a financial aid award. One offer looks better than the other two, but is it really? It’s important to compare apples to apples when looking at financial aid offers. Here are six questions to ask: What is the Student Budget? Does the college list all

Seniors, for many students, high school is like a second home. It’s a place you feel comfortable. You know where to find your friends and your favorite places to hang out. Now, you’re getting ready to embark on a new adventure – college. This will be unlike any experience you’ve had in the past. How do

Using your spring break to visit colleges is a great idea, but be aware of spring break schedules for the colleges you wish to visit. It’s best to see a college when students are on campus. Here are a few tips to prepare for your spring college visits:   Create a College Visit Itinerary. Using a map, look

Seniors, many states have connected their scholarship programs to the FAFSA. It makes it easy to apply for a state scholarship through the FAFSA as long as you make the deadline. Check with your counselor to see what the deadlines are for your state or region. Finding the Due Dates Some programs direct you to

How Can You Ace the SAT? Here are Seven Tips for You: Test Day Checklist. Get a good night’s sleep before the test. Be sure you arrive at the SAT prepared with the right tools. See TEST DAY CHECKLIST. Be sure to bring a protein snack, a watch, and an approved calculator. Consider Using Score Choice. Consider waiting to send your

Here are the top five myths about paying for college our counselors hear. Don’t fall victim to these myths! 1. My family makes too much money to qualify for financial aid. This is one of the biggest myths out there. You may not qualify for aid at one school, and qualify for lots of money at

Seniors, did you get started late on applying to colleges? Got your December test scores back and you’re reconsidering what colleges you are applying to? Don’t worry! There are many colleges that you can apply to in January and after (even some through August). Here are a few tips for finding colleges/universities with open applications: Schools With Rolling Admissions: Once your application

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