Did you know some college and postgraduate applicants with average qualifications got accepted to college thanks to their excellent essays? EduPlan understands the techniques students need to showcase their potential. That way we can help you deliver an outstanding application that increases your chances of getting accepted by the college of your choice.

EduPlan Essay Editing

Essay Editing Support provided by Professionals with:

student with counselors

  1. Over 10 years of Direct Admissions Experience
  2. Professional Certifications, Degrees and Success Experience as Writers and Journalists
  3. MBA alumnus with Successful College, MBA and Graduate School Admissions Expertise.
  4. Published work from advisors recognized as industry experts by CNN, The Wall Street Journal, CareerBuilder and other leading media

What we offer:

  • Success experience not only in editing essays and gaining admission to top Colleges, MBA and Graduate Programs programs, but also in achieving merit scholarships from submitting outstanding applications
  • 20+ years of collective experience in College, MBA and Grad School Admissions from the Insider’s Perspective – 10+ years in the Alumni Admissions Committee of the University of Michigan Ross School of Business
  • Quick turnaround – Two business days for essay writing services
  • Published Authors, Journalists and Professional Certified Staff dedicated to you