PSAT … What to Expect?
Claudine Vainrub, Principal of EduPlan
Sunday, 01 November 2020
Published in
College Admissions

Here are some important points to note as you prepare for the PSAT.
- Guessing is allowed. Remember, no deductions are made for incorrect answers on the PSAT. So – guess away!
- Prepare to read for content. PSAT uses long reading passages, with questions based on the content and not on vocabulary. Be ready to read and understand the passages.
- The PSAT scoring is almost the same as the SAT. The PSAT scale ranges from 160-760 for each section: 320-1520 total for 2 sections. The SAT score range is 200-800 per section.
- Prepare for a long test! The test is 2 hours 45 minutes.
- Remember your formulas and history. Don’t be surprised to find questions about science or the founding fathers. PSAT test questions are evidence-based.
- Scores, scores, and more scores. The PSAT has multiple ways to look at what you were tested on and how you fared on the test. Go over the test scores with your school counselor to get a better understanding.
Practice Made Easy
The College Board offers different types of practice. Select the one that works best for you.
Take Action
- Add the PSAT date to your calendar. Set one reminder for at least two days in advance for the last minute preparations and one reminder for the test day.
- Use the College Board link on your dashboard to access test preparation information.
- Set up assignments to schedule test preparation.
- Sign up for “Question a day” on the College Board website.
Coronavirus Updates
According to the College Board, schools have the option to administer the PSAT on one or across multiple available test dates. For updates, keep checking the college board website and notices/ emails from your school.