Why NOT Post College Admissions Results on Facebook
It is an exciting time for students, parents and also for counselors!! We have received most if not all answers regarding admissions and we have a decision to make! Which school to attend? Where will I spend the next four years of my life? It is a good position to be in, to be able to make choices. And also, a great time to cash in on those bragging rights… Or not?
We are tempted to yell to the world – I got accepted to XXXXX! Should we? The answer is a simple and definite ‘NO’! At least NOT until we have made our final decision, and until we have paid our deposit. Seems extreme? It is not, and we derive our opinion from the many horror stories counselors share about students being too ouvert through social media and getting punished for it.
The most recent story comes from a student getting accepted to school “X” and stating online that it was his top choice and that he would be attending. Once the “most selective” school on his list saw this (yes, they looked at his Facebook page before making the decision), they called the school counselor to explain that they were considering accepting the student but are rejecting him because he expressed he would be attending his other less selective option. Maybe his decision would have not changed if he would have been accepted to the most selective school. However, publishing online his decision before receiving all answers directly had an impact on his admissions results.
After all the hard work you have put into each application and all the months of waiting for the answers, the smart thing to do is wait to get all answers before announcing your final decision to the world. In the meantime, share your excitement in person with your loved ones, celebrate, and start packing! The best time of your life is about to start!!!